Post Info TOPIC: yehhaaaa!!


sia setuju betul kalau konsert kali ni berentak yang heavy sikit...sebab banyak anak muda sekarang lebih cenderung kepada muzik yang sebegini...daripada mereka meng'aramai ti'kan diri dengan mendengar lagu2 spt sabbath dan yang ntah apapa punya muzik lebih baik kalau gereja kita kasi expose diorang dengan muzik rohani yang heavy ....ndak salah bah sia rasa....tapi takut jg orang2 'kudus' di Sabah ni nndak tahan duduk tengok aksi lincah anak2 muda sekarang...kan!!!!



Yeh....tunggu dan lihat je....




Hehehe..Kidee..Kidee...nanti kalau time konsert tu kan, lebih baik parent ko tiada ooohhh.....takut nanti, diorang terkena kejutan budaya....hehehe..hmmm ...tidak dapat ku bayangkan macam mana ko beraksi 'lincah' nanti oohh.... mesti fantastik, elastik, bombastik kan.... God bless u Kidee....may God bless all...



baik kita jemput penyanyi- penyanyi metal,, havy, metal..ect utk sama-sama dlm konsert tu.. pakai seluar koyak- rabakk, baju yang tidak cukup jahitan..pakai anting-anting di lidah dan pusat.pakai tatoo cap n NAGA, HARIMAU TENGKORAK,CAP PELANDUK, SCORPION .pakai topeng tengkorak..MEGA DEATH.. DLL mungkin lebih expressii dia class gitu.. ITUKAH YANG HENDAK DITONJOLKAN..BERAPA JUTA anggota yang mengikuti ini..inikah yang perlu diperbaharui? .soal kudus ka tak kudus masing-masing fikirlah kalau itu semua orang ada utak.. berilah penghargaan pada utak-utak yang berjuta- juta.sel tu untuk fikirkan ni semua.. 


RE: yehhaaaa!!

marah kad d_dek .... relax ... cool down ... saya tak peduli pakai anting dimana sekalipun .. tengkorak kah manuk kah, ayam kah... itu saya tak pedlui yg saya peduli ialah jiwa saya, jiwa mereka2 yg anda sebutkan.... kalau benar memang ada macam tu, saya ok saja bah ... kenapalah ....



I got a story for you guys.

They were 3 lovely families staying in one kampung. Satu family yang agak kaya, Mr. A. Another family sederhana saja, Mr. B. And finally family miskin, Mr. C. Each of these family ada anak lelaki. These little boys became remaja, all of them were exposed to music. They were listening to all kind of musics.. rock, hip hop, pop, MOR, R&B, and so on. But AA (son of A) really like metal (rock sub-genre).. he started to imitate his idols. He started to wear black shirt (memang cap tengkorak), wore koyak rabak (he is not miskin, jean kasi koyak sendiri), getting more aggressive and progressive (you know, this kind of music moulding him that way). His room was filled with weird posters like Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Motorhead, Iron Maiden dan macam2. He bought a guitar (Kramer), Fender box, and of course Boss Heavy Metal pass box. He was practicing...and really good at it. He was so into it, he was not listening to any good advice anymore. "Son, listen to good music" the father told him. "Father, what do you know about music? This is a good music!". Kadang-kadang, he will be acted like "gerigitan... arghhhh..." attitude.

BB (son of B) was more toward hip hop. Yea man!.... well you know, wearing baseball hat all the time and spectacle (even at night). At once his father asked him "Hey son, this is kampung... we have just enough income to survive but you acting like Too Phat". "Yooo...this is BB, duit takde.. gaya mesti ade!" (in Hip hop mood, with hand swinging infront, you know I mean kan).

CC (son of C) was listening to patriotic song. Wow.... he was very energetic.... very focused... And one day he sworn "I'll be a great citizen, be a great son, I want you to be proud of me, father ". The father just cried away melihat anaknya bersungguh-sungguh.

Hee...hheee.. well although this story is "touching", remember... it'll make sense to us that music indeed influence our character, and mind. Music is everywhere... the wise man said "You are what you eat"... makan banyak gumuklah... tidak makan kuruslah... Be wise young man.

God Bless... Staring



Oh yeaahhhh!!!!!! Do you know the latter part of the story?

The metal dude got so damn rich and decided to donate half his fortune to the unfortunate. Bless that guy!!!

The hip-hop guy went through hard time got bashed everyday by his dad and finally decided to comply. Somehow their piece of land was bought by the metal dude and they became instant millionaires. They now operate one of the biggest Hip-hop music chain stores and a successful father/son act in the history of the Hip-hop!!!!

The last guy got so patriotic and joined the army. He got promoted so fast until he became a general at a relatively young age. Man!!!! The last time we saw him, he was in the US custody awaiting trial by his own people!!!

Guess what??? You don't know the end of life until it actually ends!!!





That's funny..... Historian. By the way, try reflecting those story to our's lah... this story nothing to do with US army custody.

And again as historian.... you should know something about music history... how it influence our people (pmm sabah). Come on, tell us something...




uina staring... selepas artis , musik pula jadi mangsa ... entah lepas ni apalagi lah yang ko akan persoalkan .. sedang semua nya tu milik kepunyaan Tuhan ... WAKE UP !



It's getting funnier when you talk about "our people" or "pmm sabah". Who is "our people"? Who is "pmm sabah"? Does race got anything to do with it? Does membership got anything to do with it? 

About music history? What scope are you talking about? Music in the context of "SIB Sabah"? Do you know when music began to have its prominent place in SIB Sabah history? Do you know how it began? How old are you by the way?




Quote:Posted by Historian

It's getting funnier when you talk about "our people" or "pmm sabah". Who is "our people"? Who is "pmm sabah"? Does race got anything to do with it? Does membership got anything to do with it?

Answer: Sorry about that... well, I'll presume ur not aware of this stuff (sorry if i'm wrong). The story was unreal but I was trying to relate them with SIB youth as a whole.
Quote:Posted by Historian

About music history? What scope are you talking about? Music in the context of "SIB Sabah"? Do you know when music began to have its prominent place in SIB Sabah history? Do you know how it began?

Answer:I'm asking you this.... remember. To make it clear... yes... "SIB Sabah".
Quote:Posted by Historian

How old are you by the way?

Answer:I won't tell you directly but it suffices to tell you:
  • I got a wife and kid(s).
  • I've almost 8 years working experience.

I hope u got some idea.. How old am i.

Quote:Posted by Korut

uina staring... selepas artis , musik pula jadi mangsa ... entah lepas ni apalagi lah yang ko akan persoalkan .. sedang semua nya tu milik kepunyaan Tuhan ... WAKE UP !

Answer: Aren't we live in uncertainty world? Tanpa curiosity, we can't advance in our life... betul tak. Nah, memang betul semuanya kepunyaan Tuhan... God gives us total freedom...the problem is we use that freedom for our own gain, misuse God's gift.... I totally "woke up" to realise this.

God Bless... Staring



Let's get back to the origin of this thread. For me it is a question of "How to exercise the freedom we have in Jesus without going out of touch with Jesus". This is a very tricky issue for christians. There is no clear "yes" or "no". I'm not talking about sin here. I'm talking about preferences, tastes, behaviours, viewpoints. All these are subjective. To add to these are the fact that christians are at different levels of maturity. How can you set a simple dress code, musical preferences, types of foods etc. when there is so many variable parameters?

A short history is in order. SIB originated from BEM(Borneo Evangelical Mission). BEM was formed to evangelize and reach out to the people in Sarawak & Sabah. BEM was a multi-denomination entity. Being multi-denomination origin SIB seems not to have inherited the culture of one of the major protestant denominations. (Methodist, Anglican, Baptist, Lutheran, Wesleyan etc.) As SIB grows older it started to develop its own "christian culture". The highlights of SIB culture is not to consume alcohol and for the pastors not to do business dealing while in the ministry. These policies have successfully touched a few generation of people especially the Lundayeh, Murut and Dusun communities. Guess what? These races have a bad history with alcohol. At the same time these races also love music and singing. In other words they really know how to have a good time. When BEM came in the drunkeness was so bad that the people were in very bad shape incapable of looking after themselves. They virtually drinking themselves to death! So with christianity coming in these races were saved from alcoholic self-destruct. This trend has become a tradition and a proud statement for SIB. Unfortunately christianity is not just about not getting drunk. There are other life issues. Education, business, employment, life-skills, financial are not really that impressive for SIB.

So where is SIB now? SIB has various sections. There are the BM, English and Chinese. There're probably Indian in S'mnjung but I'm not sure. These three have different approach to management. Their styles are strongly influenced by their races culture. Even the tastes and preferences in the christians themes are different. There are issues that the BM gives less attention but of priority for the English. Even in the matters of dress code and music there are many different opinions. So where do we draw the line? Can the BM demands for the English to follow exactly their style? Is it fair for the Chinese to insist the BM follow theirs? When we allow this then what you'll get is everybody start to talk about their own strong points and criticizing the others weaknesses. What is the best way? Talk out the differences in the spirit of love and unity. Don't expect people to change overnight but never stop moving forward and touching more lives. Concentrate on the real issues not the cosmetic issues. Solve the mismanagement of funds. Stop using double standards. Stop the double talk. Stop the hypocrisy. Stop looking for scapegoat. Start accepting responsibility whether in success or failures. The young generation crave for honesty and sincerity. They respect leaders who practise what they preach. They want integrity.




yehhaaaa!!!!!!! i agree with u historian.



Alo... anybody home....?

Why so.. quiet... la.. mo conference suda. Suppose mo hot hot suda ni... Jadi.. apa clita terkini for conference. Anybody.....?

on fire


hi all, our concert practices is getting every day i encourage everyone 2 c the concert you..will b amaze …glory to God..



So jadi... ada pa2 yang special ka 4 this year punya konsert... macam mana punya hot tu practice u all? Buli share ka, kasi glimpse of fire...



Aku dengar konsert kali ni dah boleh capai standard yang best lah. Bukan sekadar standard gereja. Baguslah macam tu. Tak juga segan dengan quality yang setakat 'sederhana'. Kita ni bukanlah nak bertanding dengan dunia atau nak membanding-banding tapi takkan nak memalukan nama Tuhan dengan muzik yang 'tak cun'kan?

So aku nak pergi dan enjoy a great concert with an attitude! Tak perlu stress sangat dengan pendapat manusia-manusia yang tak pandai have fun! Takkan get excited pun dosa kan? Aiyooooo, kalau tak pandai bersukacita tu alamat boleh sakit jiwa dong! Yang penting datang dengan teman-teman supaya enjoynya ramai-ramai! Waduuuuuuhhhh!!! Mantappppp!!!!!!

See you there guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Otopot...undio noh.......e historian...

I heard this year concert is goin to be very exciting and interesting and MELETUP....

And mr. are 32...male...from Sabah....residing in semenanjung....and ordinary church member......Hahahaha..... you are the one staring.... ceritapun kartun..macam orang nya...designcerita  untk timbak urang.....remember the yong taufu??????? tapi you crack minded la....kesian....... nex time kasi cerita yang ada ending sikit....

on fire


Lots of difference and yet never happen in any PMM SIB sabah conference concert  be4…so korang yang banyak question about this concert come and join us so that you will know, you will c, you will feel and you will enjoy that we have no limit to  praise and worship with dancing joy to glorify our almighty GOD JESUS CHRIST. huh,…..



K gUys we'll be there...


Can anyone give me ideas, apa tema seminar dibawa oleh pengkhotbah...? ada yang tau ka?



I'm back after a long break.

Hi... it look like i'm super hated here. Well, thanks for that.

Historian, seems that you're quite well versed on this matter and yup... I did agree with your opinion. Having so much time cracked ourself down with this matter... i realised that we all are different. Different in many aspects. Some of us pointing to the black 3 dots on the paper and some pointing it's just only a white paper. That's too high for me but not for the others. That's black for me but other may see it gray. Other may worship someone bcoz he is good, other's may not. He may be a good leader but other may not. Other may banned him but other may not. Other may be hated but other may love him. It may proliferated on and on.

Do we think God acts that way? How do we know what God's want? How do we act according to His decrees and law?

Thanks for the thought. God bless.



I don't care what they say about me
It's alright, alright
I don't care what they think about me
It's alright
They'll get it one day

I love You I'll follow You
You are my, my life
I will read my bible and pray
I will follow You all day

I don't care what it costs anymore
'cause You give it all and I'm following You
I don't care what it takes anymore
No matter what happens I'm going Your way

I love You I'll follow You,Jesus Christ
You are my, my life
I will read my bible and pray
I will follow You all day

All day, all day now all day Lord Jesus Christ

Anyone around can see
Just how good You've been to me
For all my friend's who don't know You
I pray that You would save them

Shalom semua yang setia memberi pendapat dalam forum ni, so, saya pun
ndak mo ketinggalan jugabah, sambil2 tu dapat menambahkan kenalan yang
seiman kan..kan..
Di atas tu adalah sebuah lirik lagu from album Hillsong (United-More
Than Life)yang berjudul All macam kasi promosi jakz ni.. hehe
he..ndak juga bah, kalo kamu pikir macam tu, it's up to u.. but bukan
tu maksud sebenar saya kasi pamer lirik lagu ni...time kamurang membaca
setiap baris kata dalam lirik tu, cuba faham2lah bah kan maksud
tersirat lagu tu..ia berkenaan life kita juga bah kan... menjadi berkat
di sekeliling...don't skip to pray and read bible to have our daily
bread kan!and don't care kalo ada org dengkikah, jelouskah, umpatkah,
kritik kita kah...don't care what they say about's alright
'cause GOD knows our heart.
So, what's the most important thing, kalo kita mo tau sesuatu tu benar
or wrong, we've to pray and read bible minta petunjuk berdasarkan
Alkitab bukan secara pemikiran manusiawi.

Memandangkan saya pengunjung baru website ni, actually, saya baru dapat
tau ni website time dapat buku konferensi PMM 2004, di sana ada tertera
kan di cover buku tu so lepas balik
rumah then search for this website lah.. ada pula ruangan forum..then
tu lah saya termasuk di sini..bila baca semua pendapat2 korang tu..hmm
masing2 memberikan idea2 yang bernas dan kebanyakkannya membangun iman
saya secara khusus..well, keep up the good conversation in this forum.

Ada satu persoalan daripada sayalah, siapa yang tau jawapannya, sila2
lah tulung jawab erkk...Sepa yang mencipta laman web ni sebenarnya????
saya rasa macam tau but nda pasti pula thruth nya.. adakah manusia yang
bernama Gidong yang cipta ni website??? persoalan kedua lagi... hehehe
saja nak tanya bah..pencipta laman web ni tak nak promosi diri ke nak
orang lain kenal?? main2 ja bah ah..

Okaylah, dalam kesempatan yang sangat indah ni, saya harap kalau ada
kata2 saya yang tertype di atas tu telah menyinggung mana2 pihak,
terlebih dahulu saya menyusun sepuluh jari memohon keampunan yerr...
what the bible said...forgive others kan..kan..;)

Sebelum saya stop huruf2 ni daripada muncul...terus teranglah,I want to
be your friends so kalau ada time tu email saya di
( if nda kesempitan waktu, saya janji akan
membalas email kamurang...if saya nda kesibukanlah, haiya, time school
holiday ni nda lah berapa sibuk sebab sayakan masih student so time ni
cutilahkan..bah, stop for you all again in the other day.

If you would like to have a relationship with Christ, simply pray this
prayer and mean it in your heart.
Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner.  I believe you died for my sins.
Right now, I turn from my sins and open the door of my heart and life.
I confess you as my personal Lord and Savior.  Thank you for saving me.

Jesus loves you.

Love you all in Christ,Charisma.


RE: yehhaaaa!!


Hi... lyric lagu tu memang best. Follow Jesus, read the Bible, pray, and worship Him with wholehearted commitment.

Thanks... Staring.



meet you all again in this forum...

sini saya mau share ngan korang semua satu ayat firman Tuhan sempena Christmas ni..

Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod
  the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying,
  "Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his
  star when it rose and have come to worship him." (Matthew 2:1-2

Apa kamu buat untuk Christmas ni tahun? adakah seperti rutin biasa like changing gift,send Christmas card, join caroling and etc??adakah kita terfikir apa makna sebenar tu Christmas??sudah semestinya kita tahu hari Natal tu merupakan hari kelahiran Yesus Kristus ke dunia kan.. then flash back apa yang Dia buat semasa Dia hidup di dunia sehingga lah hari Dia diseksa dan disalibkan untuk menutup jurang antara kita dengan Allah Bapa di syurga...sungguh Allah itu sangat baik..Allah telah mengutus satu2nya anak tunggal-Nya ke dunia supaya setiap umat manusia yang trust in Him memperoleh mahkota kehidupan kekal....di syurga let us always praise&worhip Him for His grace & love...sungguh tidak terbayarkan oleh kita namun apa yang kita boleh lakukan adalah setia kepada-Nya sehingga ke titik terakhir...kita mestilah menjadi anak yang setia kerana Dia sangat setia kepada kita walaupun kita pernah tersimpang jauh dari jalan kebenaran namun Dia tetap setia menanti kepulangn kita dan ada dlm Firman Tuhan menyatakan apabila seorang anak-Nya telah kembali kepada-Nya seluruh bala tentera turut gembira dengan kepulangan anak-Nya tu.So, sentiasalah hidup dalam kesetiaan kepada Allah Bapa di syurga supaya kita menjadi generasi yang memancarkan berkat..halleluyah..

Below is one of the Quotemeal for you to read:

The Christmas message is that there is hope for a ruined
humanity - hope of pardon, hope of peace with God, hope of glory
- because at the Father's will Jesus Christ became poor, and was
born in a stable so that thirty years later He might hang on a

      -- J. I. Packer

Okay, that's all for now..kutitpkan salam kasih sayang dalam kasih Yesus Kristus our Lord.

Love you all in Christ,Charisma.


RE: Shalom!


Originally posted by: Charisma
 Ada satu persoalan daripada sayalah, siapa yang tau jawapannya, sila2lah tulung jawab erkk...Sepa yang mencipta laman web ni sebenarnya????saya rasa macam tau but nda pasti pula thruth nya.. adakah manusia yangbernama Gidong yang cipta ni website??? persoalan kedua lagi... hehehesaja nak tanya bah..pencipta laman web ni tak nak promosi diri ke nak orang lain kenal?? main2 ja bah ah..

Shalom Charisma, memang sayalah kali yg buat website ni hik hik hik, thanks sebab sudi mengunjungi laman ni dan menambahkan lagi kemeriahan forum disini, eh ko ni kan "adik" saya, napa lak tak kenal saya lagi ??? wakakakakakka

Merry Natl buat semua dan selamat Melangkah ke Tahun baru 2005 yg pasti banyak cabaran ............ Peace ...........


RE: yehhaaaa!!

wow hot topic ha...... well da confrence tu baru jak habis... and then dia punya concert boleh sia katakan "ok". cuma waktu si vince present jak sia di berkati... but after that i felt that their ruined the situation which is constantly bad...... well it juz my opinion....  




Originally posted by: bidzs

"wow hot topic ha...... well da confrence tu baru jak habis... and then dia punya concert boleh sia katakan "ok". cuma waktu si vince present jak sia di berkati... but after that i felt that their ruined the situation which is constantly bad...... well it juz my opinion....  "




Mungkin dia diberkati dgn orchestrraa punya stail... ko tenangis nangis kah masa P&P orschestra?

older generation


Shalom younger generation!!

You talk music, sleep music, eat music, dream music, ........... at last fight  music!!. Have you enjoyed your music during the konference? You are most blessed by what?  Moulded by so much music or by the Living Word of God?

Real music is your life. When the world see you (lifestyle) they "hear & see the heavenly sound". Younger generation, I know you all love music, by the way, I too love music so much; but our music should be , encourage each other.

How can the older generation - "leave in peace" or "handed over the leadership" of the church to the younger generation if they  fight & argue with each other about small & secondary matters, like music!! You will destroy the church!!

Historian talks about SIB history. So Good. We have our own culture. I ask you all what is Örang Sabah & Sarawak" culture? What traditional music instruments do we have? Do we used them in our meeting? Why are we using the western Music instruments & dance?


So do not fight about music anymore. We older generation never fight about music during our time. Like you all we know a lot about music but by the grace of God we were able to choose the best for the church. We work hard for reaching the lost soul.  Can you do that? I challenge you.

We are not out-dated older generation; but try hard to keep the church unite!!. Pray & cry for you all. 



Festival Of Praise concert at Kota Kinabalu 30th May 2009

Festival Of Praise (Pesta Pujian)

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