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SEtujukah anda bila artis terkenal di jemput dan di beri ruang dalam masa konferensi ?



Hai brother Gidong,

Wow dah pandai buat servey ye...syabas! Teruskan usaha anda.

Boleh bagi komen sikit ke? Bagi pendapat saya, itu terpulang kepada penerimaan diri masing2. Kalau artis tersebut boleh berbagi berkat apa salah, ya kan...tapi jangan sampai artis yang dijemput oleh pihak pengajur itu mencuri KEMULIAAN ALLAH atau para peserta memfokuskan fikiran bukan kepada ALLAH tetapi kepada artis tersebut. Itu MANYAK BAHAYA LOHHH...

itu komen jujur daripada saya



tHAKNS Melody ............ setujulah tu kan ...



Ya, gue setujulah....dah vote pun...



Very complex question la gidong? However... Let's see the complexion of kita punya pemuda-pemudi... Asal? Umur? Career?, Intelectuality? Iman?.

Asal. PMM kita ni dari pelbagai tempat. Ada dari bandar and ada dari kampung.
Orang bandar memang terbuka, everything is ok one. Orang kampung emmm... eh faham2 la.

Umur. Orang yg datang ke konferensi ni pun m-punyai umur yang berbeza-beza. I don't really know the percentange tapi mostly sekolah menengah atau undergraduate student (uni atau college la). You'll see orang muda..dia punya music interest is different,... young adult is different,.... pemimpin is different. However let's look at points or objectives of the conference first... and then suit to it la.

Career. Career pun bermacam-macam, ada penganggur... ada Pastor, ada student, ada lecturer, ada engineer macam Rambot (my CIA friend). Their music perspective are diffirent.

Intelectuality and Faith. Kepintaran dan kewarasanpun berbeza-beza. If we have wisdom, we might do research... sama ada this is the right time to do it or kita ikut trend saja. However it best to ask God.

I would say "NO" at the moment. Do we really want to take the risk?.

Best Regards - Staring!



Bah staring .. ada juga OPTION TIDAK PASTI tu kan .. hehehehe ... saja lah mo tanya pengunjung bah .. bukannya apa2 pun ....  undi jangan tak undi ...



Kartun la ko starring... nama ja STARRING tapi penakut...

Kunci kekuatan israel dalam PL dan greja pertama ialah berani...berani berhadapan risiko dan mempertahankan iman..... bukan nampak tiada risiko baru bergerak.... justeru saat kita berhadapan risikolah kita di bentuk seperti emas murni.... kalau kekristenan tiada risiko maka jadilah gereja yg malas dan penakut... tiada kualiti...potensi tidak di utilize.

Samada generasi kita sedia atau tidak, kita kena berhadapan dgn isu ini kerana hal ini sedang terjadi di sekitar kita dan sangat hampir... di hujung jari2 kita saja...tekan ja.. muncul di internet.... kalau mentaliti gereja macam starring..tau tau saja generasi kita suda hangkang.. mau tarikpun pakai tali karabaupun tidak boleh.... pi center popint... album2 dan cd2 di merata tempat... dan mreka ini di tempat mreka melayani Tuhan...di gereja... komuniti.... di banyak tempat.... dan byk orang diselamatkan dam Kristus... Kita di sini mcam katak bawah tempurung memandai mandai konon itu tak boleh..ini tak boleh.. kasian... hakikatnya tiada yang dilakukan untuk memenangi generasi ini....tiada... berikan dan sharekan pendapat starring dan yg lain lain apa yg gereja skarang sedang buat untk generasi muda skarang...maksud saya yg benar2 dapat menggoncang muda mudi...kalaulah begini mentaliti....SIB akan kehilangan generasi muda.....

No hard feeling.. tapi ini kan berforum.....hanya pendapat saya...



My QuoteI would say "NO" at the moment. Do we really want to take the risk?.

Please, don't get confused on this statement!... ("No" at this moment).., means - not now... It doesn't mean that I'm

objecting this... There are a few consideration sebelum kita invite "artist"...

  • Who is the "artist"?
  • What type of message he wants to delivered (lagu)?
  • Is he/she a good role model for our

    youth (spiritually)?
  • What do we think the youth will get from this (entertainment,evil, or God)?

Here, I would like to answer Lenny...(do I know you? Do we attend the same church - yong tau foo!!


Lenny: Kartun la ko starring...

he..he... not kartun, tapi real person...

Lenny: nama ja STARRING tapi penakut...

well, not "Starring" but "staring"!, I not really penakut... I am just
thinking quite a lot...but I am afraid of God!.

Lenny: Kunci kekuatan israel dalam PL dan greja pertama ialah berani...

true... but why? They trusted God sometimes... read keluaran, ulangan, or bilangan.

Lenny: berani berhadapan risiko dan mempertahankan iman.....

Yes, but God was guiding them, with them. That's why mereka yakin berdepan dengan risiko ... they were not blindly

berperang without command from God.

Lenny: bukan nampak tiada risiko baru bergerak....

Trust me, they were still moving although mereka tidak menghadapi risiko-again it's direct command from God. I hope,

you're not "accusing" me of not taking risk through my fact I been thru quite numbers of risk.. and sometimes I

regretted some of it and some's not.

Lenny: justeru saat kita berhadapan risikolah kita di bentuk seperti emas murni....

Saya setuju dengan anda!.... but we won't take that risk if we're sure the consequences is wise. Dibentuk seperti

emas murni-is the suffering that make us pure right before God... nothing to do with risiko.

Lenny: kalau kekristenan tiada risiko maka jadilah gereja yg malas dan penakut...

I don't think the risk drives malas and penakut attitude... but if we really have God in our heart.. having that

passion... it'll drive us to do great more malas, no more takut.

Lenny: tiada kualiti...potensi tidak di utilize.

mmm... I'm not can utilise your potential in any fields...

Lenny: Samada generasi kita sedia atau tidak, kita kena berhadapan dgn isu ini kerana hal ini sedang terjadi di

sekitar kita dan sangat hampir... di hujung jari2 kita saja...tekan ja.. muncul di internet....

I agree!... let us draw the border line between "Worldly" and "Godly"... I believe it's hard... but you know... flesh is

weak... the tendancy toward worldly is there.

Lenny: kalau mentaliti gereja macam starring..tau tau saja generasi kita suda hangkang..

Mmmm... again, hopefully you're not accusing me of mentally retarded he...he.. In fact.. my dear lenny.. that's my

concerned [Our Generation], and I don't think my stand will "hangkang" ing the generation. I love and concern this and coming

generations. I was young and was influenced, I was selfish... but now as a loving father and husband [he.. not too old lah],

I think a lot of my child... how she will be one day after I gone. But before that kan..I try my best to bringing up her

sebaik-baik yang mungkin, solid integrity.

Lenny: mau tarikpun pakai tali karabaupun tidak boleh....

He..he.. tali karabau memang keras...mmm who is pulling the tali? If God pull me, definitely saya ikut, if evil pull me...

alah sori lah..

Lenny: pi center popint... album2 dan cd2 di merata tempat... dan mreka ini di tempat mreka melayani Tuhan...di

gereja... komuniti.... di banyak tempat.... dan byk orang diselamatkan dam Kristus...

I'm not really get you here... but that's what God's want isn't it diselamatkan? If there's activities like

this...hah I'll be the first man to register

Lenny: Kita di sini mcam katak bawah tempurung memandai mandai konon itu tak boleh..ini tak boleh.. kasian...

I don't think kristian yg tidak ikut "perkembangan" ??? is katak di bawah tempurung... well, we're not trying to

memandai-mandai disini... we try to be rasional...

Lenny: hakikatnya tiada yang dilakukan untuk memenangi generasi ini....tiada...

mmm.... Don't jump into conclusion too fast! Can you suggest something? Concert... inviting "artist"? As a matter of fact,

this generation is so much influenced by this "cool" world trend. I would be happy if this "artist" really proclaim and

glorify God. I'm not judging anybody, but there is a fine line between glorifying ourself and glorifying God, you could drop

to any spot.

Here are few suggestions untuk "memenangi"?? generasi ini.

  1. Word of God. Conduct series of seminar to strengthen the basic..word of God.
  2. Pray. Conduct series of seminar about the power of pray.
  3. worship. Conduct series of seminar "intimate worship with God" ... pure true worshipper.

I believe, if we implement these, the restany good things will follow. But sadly, young generation would say "alah

boring la seminar2 macam ni". They'll point their finger.. hah this is for that group leader and elderly people. But

sorry if i'm wrong.

Lenny: berikan dan sharekan pendapat starring dan yg lain lain apa yg gereja skarang sedang buat untk generasi muda


First of all, what is gereja? Gereja is physically building but importantly gereja is us people-you and me getting

together in the name of Jesus Christ. We should not ask what gereja can do for us..because gereja is us recursively.

The correct question might goes like this.. What are leaders can do for generasi muda? But the leaders might get back "What

can you do for us?", where this question is illogical prior to the first one. Now, leaders can plan or conduct neccessary

activities to instill the suggestion that I mentioned earlier... And I'm pretty sure SIBPusat and PMM leadership had

planned ahead for 2005 already. Leaders should be leading... listening... and make necessary amendment, if needed, that still

inline with God's purpose.

Lenny: maksud saya yg benar2 dapat menggoncang muda mudi...

What is really "mengoncang" muda-mudi? I believe, the energy inside of you [muda-mudi] is strong. It's just a matter of

controlling that energy. Sadly, many elements outside try to use it. The energy is so fresh that it follows any new idea

[good or bad], that's the reason youth still finding his/her true identity. Exploring is the way to solve this until they

settling in, but it's really experimenting process. During the exploration, that energy may find intact and clicked what

world has offered... drug, sex, gangsterism, music, etc. This situation will be needled bit by bit and sooner you realised

that you're trapped!!. What's church has to offer? It seems that the energy doesn't clicked with what church offered. Why

doesn't clicked? The answer is "flesh",it always not clicking with what God's offered. What is the solution? Channel or

explore more on God's

Lenny: kalaulah begini mentaliti....SIB akan kehilangan generasi muda.....

I'm not sure what kind of mentality do you mean but it is very sad when the young generation vanishes simply like that

because selecting the wrong option. Kepimpinan SIB cuba sedaya upaya yg terbaik, tapi kalau rebellion is the counter-measure

dari generasi muda..all will be useless. Take on your necessary steps and part toward the better of generation.

Lenny: No hard feeling.. tapi ini kan berforum.....hanya pendapat saya...

I've the feeling but not hard he...hee.. don't worry! On my behalf, this is truly my heart... and my advice is "explore

the opposite side of fun, funky, cool, fashion, trendy, and etc, there you will be knitted as integrity man."

God Bless!!! Staring...

Alexiana Sandra


Yes Staring,I agree with you 150%. I love the way you answer this anonymous Lenny.
I believe you have no intention to humiliate her/him and she/he really shows that she/he is not a kind of person who thinks with brain but with emotions and need to read more of God's Word.No offense Lenny...

Walaupun saya tahu,jawapan saya tidak akan membantu untuk membatalkan artis yang bakal datang tu,saya tetap jawab TIDAK SETUJU.

Pada asalnya,kenapa harus jemput artis?Adakah Tuhan Yesus sudah tidak terkenal?Oh ya.Memang Tuhan Yesus tidak terkenal, sebab 'orang yang kenal Tuhan Yesus' sudah kurang 'memperkenalkan atau mempromosikan Dia' di Kota Kinabalu ni..Yeah rite...

Terpulang kepada artis tu nantilah..harap2,Dia akan 'mempromosikan' Tuhan Yesus lebih dari dirinya sendiri..

Saya pun tidak mau memperpanjangkan hujah-hujah saya sebab saya cuma akan menambah orang2 macam Lenny ja di dalam topik i said, none of my word will fail any plan to bring the artist coz the artist have agreed to,wait and see la..

Hi Staring,i really like your way of thinking,may i know you?my email is Do email me,ok?



heloo frens ... saya SETUJU dgn siapa pun di jemput dalam acara seperti konferensi ini ... kenapa tidak ... kenapa kita menolak golongan yang lain ? why ? kita sudah perfect ? kita suci ? kita lebih layak dari mereka ? kenapa dgn artis ? apa salahnya seorang artis ? kalau mau bincangkan hal ini , saya ajak kita berbalik kepada satu peraturaan yang telah lama di buat oleh gereje SIB iaitu " APA bila seseorang yg bergiat aktif dalam POLITIK bah kan menjadi YB, orang tersebut tidak akan d beri tugas pelayanan dalam gereja, upacara keagamaa" tapi dari yang kita lihat tahun ni juga Dr. Maximus Ongkili adal salah seorang penceramah yang di jemput ... so apa bezanya dengan seorang artis ??? kenapa sinis sangat pandangan "rohani" anda terhadap hal ini .. saya dah boring sebenarnya melihat org2 yang mengaku rohani, memberi kata2 rohani dan dorongan rohani yang tersusun TETAPI tidak mempunyai KASIH ... anda selalu melihat kelemahan orang lain sebagai alasan sebab memang anda tidak menyukainya ... Artis mau melayani Tuhan , TERUSKAN , APA SALAHNYA ? untuk kemuliaan TUHAN ... anda mau menghalangnya ... fikirkan sedalam-dalamnya, berdoa dan pertanyakan pada TUHAN hal ini .. sama ada DIA setuju atau TIDAK .... ini bukannya soal popular seseorang tetapi soal JIWA seseorang ....



betul tu Brave_Heart..kau ni pastor ka?hui..emosenel oo kau,sia sokong sama ko..mesti pastor ni minat tu artis yang datang kan?hehe..baguslah..sambil menyembah Tuhan,sia mo afundi tu artis nanti..sia rasa,nda mo tutup mata oo nanti..duduk depan ja sebab mo ambil gambar to artis..yeyeh..ok jumpa masa konfrensi nanti!!bye..



Uina..Lenna...dari mana kau datang..tiba-tiba ja...

Buli tahan hujah2 staring.. Starring, staring, stering..sama ja tu... 

I would say "NO" at the moment. Do we really want to take the risk?.

Please, don't get confused on this statement!... ("No" at this moment).., means - not now... It doesn't mean that I'm

objecting this... There are a few consideration sebelum kita invite "artist"...

Punya lah kesian staring...hipoktrit...cakap pasal buat researh dulu, background orang kita lagi, kepimpinan geraja kita lagi... masa tidak sesuai lagi tu.. tapi.. tengok ni..

  • Who is the "artist"?
  • What type of message he wants to delivered (lagu)?
  • Is he/she a good role model for our

    youth (spiritually)?

  • What do we think the youth will get from this (entertainment,evil, or God)?

staring belum buat research lagi suda buat decision NO to artist...Do you personally know this artist...vince... Amy Grant.. Glenn... Linda...

PB katakan kalau manusia yg bernafas ini tidak memuliakan Tuhan..batu2 yg mati pun Tuhan akan pakai.. Keldaipun Tuhan pakai untuk menyedarkan manusia(PL)apa lagi manusia..hanya kerana profesi mereka dalam hiburan trus NO? lapuk... ap maksud Tuhan memilih Matius si pemungut cukai jadi muridnya? direct dari dunia 'mafia' tu!  

true... but why? They trusted God sometimes... read keluaran, ulangan, or bilangan.

Exactly..they trusted the Lord and BOLD.....Yosua dan Kaleb, Gideon, Esther, Daniel, Daud melawan goliat...... Kalau pakai kepala normal... bodoh ..bodoh... tapi org2 ini percaya Tuhan..dan berani.. dan mempertahankan apa yang yg mereka percaya.....

Percaya saja belum cukup... Berani sajapun tidak cukup.... ini perlu iman dan keberanian... mungkin staring rasa penganjur2 ini tembak terajun saja.. tiada doa dan visi.. pasal itu tembak truss....

Trust me, they were still moving although mereka tidak menghadapi risiko-again it's direct command from God. I hope,

Staring cuba bikin survey pertumbuhan gereja SIB khususnya....dalam 10 tahun yg lalu...bagaimana peratusan SIB.. dikatakan 70K anggota SIB 10 tahun lalu... benar... skarang gereja cawangan makin banyak...tapi especially BM section ada pertumbuhan anggota yg tinggikah? bukan biological growth..2 orga SIB kawin dapat anak jadi SIB lagi...dapat anak kembar tambah 2 lagi anggota...bukan tapi petobat baru dari dunia sebenar.. SIB KL brapa peratusan? DI SABAH? DI Sarawak? Not to ridicule but we have to look in this carefully..

Kekuatan gereja pertama ialah kerana suferring yg mereka lalui selama kira2 300 tahun.... Thanks God around 300 A.D Kristen jadi agama rasmi..risiko jadi kurang.. but that was the beginning of the fall of Christianity... kira2 1000 tahun lamanya gereja dalam ZAMAN KEGELAPAN GERAJA.. dashat dari 400tahun seb Kristus(The silent years/zaman sunyi senyap)Why? No suffering..comfort zone... pertumbuhan gereja yg paling cepat sekarang ialah di China... risk is here and there... but they take the risk... and they suffer... tapi byk yg jatuh juga...banyak...ada casualty... Kalau staring rasa gereja skarang masi moving..emmm yes.. i agree... but tooooo slow..... nubuat dalam PL dan PB mengatakan Tuhan akan membangkitkan generasi muda...means Tuhan akan pakai generasi muda untuk Tuhan melawat Bumi ini.....

I wanna be part of it....Vince want to be part of it... either his sister cum manager...

Gereja yg paling cepat bertumbuh di Dunia adalah yg berkata.. I want to be part of it. Planet Shaker..(Skarang ada caw di Subang KL) gerenti byk anak2 muda akan pi hgreja diaorang..City harvest church singapore, Hillsongs, Sidney..... SIB?..masi gaduh2 pasal artis..artis look alike..gaya rambut... orang kita...culture kita...dll SIB KL(DR. Chew) dan Skyline SIB ok lah...moving... there never raise this issues...

I agree!... let us draw the border line between "Worldly" and "Godly"... I believe it's hard... but you know...

I think staring have to explain in detail this 'worldly and Godly' cos i believe whatever we do out side the church activities, as long as it not compromising with me problem kalau orang kita graduat dgn music degree dari UMS/UITM dan kerja di hotel/studio/entainment company... and they  music in sunday service as well...But some people try to diffrenciate this career as for the world and for god...once you play/sing in the sekular you have been disqualified for church ministry... cartun...just bcos selalu keluar muka di TV dan ad sana sini... ban?...EERRRRRRR

Concert... inviting "artist"? As a matter of fact,

this generation is so much influenced by this "cool" world trend. I would be happy if this "artist" really proclaim and

glorify God. I'm not judging anybody, but there is a fine line between glorifying ourself and glorifying God, you could drop

to any spot.

Kartun lagi... kau sedang menghakimi lah.... percayalah..percaya saja.. sedang menghakimi kau















You've your points. God created us in true uniqueness.. none of us similar in terms of temperament, physical apperance, and perception. Now.. instead of bolting ourselves in dispute conversation, why don't we take the win-win approach. Let us encourage each other instead of feeling uneasy.

Both of us agree that all glory to God. We're not reprimanding God. All of us agree that God's word is the way to realign our action. Hence, our perception should not hinder us to unite as a body of Christ.

Conference is approaching... AJK sudah buat persiapan yang baik, PMM all over districts sedang buat persiapan-pendaftaran dan sebagainya. However, let's set one attitude-we're coming because we want to learn the Word of God. The rule of God is simple yet hard to follow. Let me put in my own phrase.... "AND". See the following logic:

true AND true=true
true AND false=false
false AND true=false
false AND false=false

If we look carefully, only one answer is true where both must be true. God is strict with no compromise toward sin. Let's be true all the time. If we act falsely before God (measurement should be our Bible) the answer is false (wrong).

Set off the attitude of "OR". See the following:

true OR true=true
true OR false=true
false OR true=true
false OR false=false

Very obvious, although one act is false... we still see it as true where God's looking it at different way. That's the reason God give us the command "Kuduslah kamu sebab Aku kudus".

Selamat berkonferensi...


I've got a strong feeling that I know you(lenny) personally - Correct me if I'm wrong. Let me put this way - Happy Garden, S17, D.Kim,UiTM, Sedaya, Kancil (Revival).



Lenny: I think staring have to explain in detail this 'worldly and Godly'.

Sia ambil dari Galatia 5.16-26, Col 3.5,  2 Cor 12.20, Rev 22.12-16, Ep 5.5, 1 Cor 6.9-10


  1. Sexual Immorality
  2. Impurity
  3. Lust
  4. Hatred
  5. Discord
  6. Jealousy
  7. Anger
  8. Selfish Ambition
  9. Dissension
  10. Arrogance
  11. Envy
  12. Murder
  13. Idolatry
  14. Witchcraft
  15. Drunkenness
  16. Wild Living
  17. Cheating
  18. Adultery
  19. Homosexuality
  20. Greed
  21. Stealing
  22. Lying


  1. Love
  2. Joy
  3. Peace
  4. Patience
  5. Kindness
  6. Goodness
  7. Faithfulness
  8. Gentleness
  9. Self-Control

Our wrong desires are:

  1. Evil
  2. Destructive
  3. Easy to ignite
  4. Difficult to stifle
  5. Self-centered
  6. Oppressive & Possesive
  7. Decadent
  8. Sinful
  9. Deadly

The fruit of spirit:

  1. Good
  2. Productive
  3. Difficult to ignote
  4. Easy to stifle
  5. Self-giving
  6. Liberating & nurturing
  7. Uplifting
  8. Holy
  9. Abundant Life

Be careful not to confuse with subjective feelings with the spirit's leading. Being led by the Holy Spirit involves the desires to hear, the readiness to obey God's word, and the sensitivity to discern between feelings and his promptings. To overcome our evil desires is through the empowering of Holy Spirit.

God Bless... Staring.



Syabas staring ! anda membuktikan yang BENAR pada masa kini terdapat FARISI MODEN dan anda adalah satu daripadanya .... simpanlah kegenuisan anda dalam hal agama untuk diri anda sendiri .... go to hell lah dgn agama anda .... pandai bah kunun berayat2 tapi nampak sgt keprejudisan dalam diri anda ... sedar lah bah ....



(anda membuktikan yang BENAR pada masa kini terdapat FARISI MODEN dan anda adalah satu daripadanya)

Terima kasih atas tuduhan anda...

Cuba define FARISI MODEN?

God Bless.



Sakit hati juga kena panggil "FARISI MODEN". Panas telinga! Tapi relaxlah bro. Masalahnya itu impression sudah spoil lah. Saya tidak tau orang lain tapi saya geram juga bila jumpa orang yg berattitude "Holier than thou". Masing2 ada hak dengan pendapat sendirilah. Banyak cara mau melayani Tuhan. Kalau mau diterima oleh semua orang memang susah. Kecualilah mau jadi tukang bodek! Biarlah ada identiti sendiri dalam pelayanan. Kalau diterima, layanilah dengan sepenuh hati. Kalau ditolak pun relaxlah. Nilai pelayanan bukan terletak di tangan manusia. Kalau pelayanan kita dipuji2 sekarang pun belum tentu Tuhan berkenan sepenuhnya. Tapi kalau Tuhan sudah berkenan pendapat manusia bukannya penting sangat. Berdebat ini boleh bikin darah naik. Itu ok dan normal. Tapi kalau amarah sudah menguasai itu kena berurusan sendiri dgn Tuhan lah. Firman Tuhan berkata "Amarah manusia tidak mengerjakan kebenaran". Pada akhirnya ada persoalan2 yg tidak akan terjawab semasa kita hidup. Motif manusia sukar untuk diketahui. Bagi yg setuju dgn pendekatan Staring dan yg sepemikiran dengannya, layanilah kelompok manusia yg boleh terima cara begitu. Bagi yg tidak begitu konservatif seperti mereka, tak payah gaduh2 dan jgn berhenti melayani. Teruslah menabur kebaikan dan persahabatan seperti yg Tuhan Yesus buat. Cuma Tuhan Yesus saja yg layak untuk menilai pelayanan kita. Kalau 'ter'jatuh dalam dosa bertobatlah cepat2 dan kembali berjalan bersama Tuhan. Bagi saya time konferensi ialah time utk bersukacita, happy2 dan ketawa banyak2. Tapi ada masa untuk emosi yg lain tu pandai2 lah menyesuaikan. Harap2 tidak akan ada "pertandingan" untuk membuktikan siapa yg lebih "BENAR" antara satu sama lain.




Saya setuju dengan anda. Itulah yang saya bincangkan sebelum ini.... kita ini diciptakan oleh Tuhan untuk pelbagai tujuan.... layanilah Dia dengan setia seperti Samuel mengesyorkan Saul.. but Saul partially follows God command... consequences-nya Tuhan murka dan memilih Daud mengantikannya.

Tuhan memberkati. Staring



setuju joe...

Staring masih lagi anda mempersalahkan org lain ... berhentilah ... kalau anda "benar" pun, biarlah anda menunjukkan kebenaran itu dgn cara yg bole d terima semua golongan, bukan dari golongan anda sendiri saja ... kasihi juga org lain .... walau mungkin anda angap mereka "angin" sahaja ... tdk penting ...



Hello Korut... Shallom,

Staring masih lagi anda mempersalahkan org lain
Apakah saya persalahkan orang lain (jauh sekali berfikiran sedemikian)? Sorry if I'm doing that but I'm talking about Saul....(1 Samuel 10-20, please read supaya anda faham maksud saya).

Golongan saya?
Saya baru saja baca Galatia 5:20 ".... Orang bermusuhan dan berkelahi; mereka cemburu, lekas marah, dan mementingkan diri sendiri. Mereka berpecah dan berpihak-pihak..." tak kan lah saya mau berpihak-pihak pula. Please don't misunderstand me. Kalau ada beritahu which part..... so that I can avoid it next time.

walau mungkin anda angap mereka "angin" sahaja ... tdk penting ...
Perhatikan statement saya semasa berbincang dengan Lenny "Hence, our perception should not hinder us to unite as a body of Christ". Do I sound bias on this? present your rebuttal... please?

God bless you Korut.



Staring : Golongan saya?
Saya baru saja baca Galatia 5:20 ".... Orang bermusuhan dan berkelahi; mereka cemburu, lekas marah, dan mementingkan diri sendiri. Mereka berpecah dan berpihak-pihak..." tak kan lah saya mau berpihak-pihak pula. Please don't misunderstand me. Kalau ada beritahu which part..... so that I can avoid it next time.

Memanglah tidak tapi CARA awak dari first comment, ianya mengambarkan awak tak setuju dgn "golongan" lain ... cthnya artis ... apa lagi dijemput dlm acara keagamaan spt konferensi ... jgn lah nafikan... org bole baca ... kita tdk buta huruf ... jgn cepat sgt guna ayat2 bible utk menyokong sesuatu yg anda perjuangkan tetapi mengabaikan yg lain kerana anda tidak mahu perjuangkan ..... useless ...........




Originally posted by: Korut

"... jgn cepat sgt guna ayat2 bible utk menyokong sesuatu yg anda perjuangkan tetapi mengabaikan yg lain kerana anda tidak mahu perjuangkan .....useless ........... "

Bro. Korut... shallom!

Bible is always true.... kita seharusnya mengunakan Bible at all time... that's our reference kan!... any difficulty refer to God (thru Bible and Prayer). Everything yg diperjuangkan harus berdasarkan Firman Tuhan (is that wrong?).

Originally posted by: Korut

"tetapi mengabaikan yg lain kerana anda tidak mahu perjuangkan ..... "

Let me ask you this.... Apa yang saya abaikan yang anda perjuangkan??

Oh ya.... thanks for the word "...useless....". (Christian should not say this).

Bless you.... Staring.



Hahahahaha staring2 ...

Memang lah firman tu benar.. maksud saya ambil sebahagian dan mengabaikan sebahagian tu tak tepat .............. anda cuba menolak pelayanan org popular spt artis .... i can see that !! clearly ........... useless ... ??? bole saja digunakan ... cthnya Satan is useless hahahahha saja bergurau ..............



Samuel, Saul dan Daud. Banyak hal yg boleh dipelajari dalam kisah ketiga peribadi ini. Tapi saya lebih cenderung melihat keseluruhan sejarah hidup mereka utk membuat kesimpulan yg lengkap. Kepimpinan Samuel di'reject' oleh orang Israel apabila mereka mau seorang raja diangkat dari antara mereka yg mengakhiri zaman hakim2. Kalau dibanding antara Saul dan Daud, saya rasa Saul lebih konservatif kerana membuat banyak keputusan yg mengikut common sense manusia. Daud pula lebih unpredictable dan unconventional. Kedua2nya ada ups and downs in life. Tapi Daud tiada masalah dgn ego nya. Kalau serendah mana Tuhan bawa dia, dia tetap berpaut pada Tuhan. Saul pula mau jaga gaya dan reputasinya di hadapan manusia.



Hi semua,


I have a full respect for you (tabik spring), I know you've study them very well... apa yang anda sampaikan saya Amen kan... God bless you dearly.

Saya ingin berkongsi ttg pembelajaran saya dlm 1 Samuel. I've learned something ttg ayat 1 Samuel 15:22. Samuel menegaskan "Obedience is better than sacrifice".
Sacrifice is our ritual like datang gereja, menyanyi, berdoa, dan sbgnya... walaubagaimanapun... kalau kita tidak taat dengan perintah Tuhan... itu tidak memadai. Kita harus taat dan juga melaksanakan our sacrifice to God.


Saya setuju dgn pandangan anda tentang "mengabaikan sebahagian". Maafkan kalau saya seolah-olah "menolak" artis... however this is my personal view and I still feel that is not appropriate to do this. If I agree... I will feel guilty of anything happen. If I'm not agree...youth will point me of rejecting this idea . However, I realise that as human being, we look at the appearance rather than heart... God doesn't look at outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart... (1 Sam 16:1-3). Even Samuel made this mistake. Forgive me if I wrong and forgive them if they're wrong.

God is unlimited.... If He use this artist to lift the youth toward God presence and instill the godly virtues... I will say "Praise The Lord". But if this artist drops the seed of worldly... God will pay the consequences. However... datanglah ke konferensi ini dengan tujuan nyata iaitu belajar Firman Tuhan dan memuji Dia above all. Thanks.

God Bless.



 hi guys..

Lama tak surf..staring..ko makin naik pangkat la.... Farisi selepas moden!!!

Ko nampak manusia.. dosaa dan kelemahan yg kau nampak dulu....

carilah di gereja kau yg holy2 tu jadi geng kau.

no hard feeling..

Older Generation


Old man always advice the youngs to be self control & not to be so emotional. The Bible says so! Lenny & Staring both knows this.

As an old generation in the faith I,m very sad of the arguments. Lets talk with sound mind, considerate & most of all with Christ's love. Not with emotion! In Christ lets not call each other "kartun, hipokrit, bodoh etc..!    

Now on the issue "setujukah anda" . Know the Bible well. God work in many special ways in different cultures. A type of  ministry may be successful in a specific culture but not necessarily in another. Remember this one very important thing - God use people who are true to His calling BUT NOT BY THE WAYS AND METHODs WE ARE USING NO MATTER "UP-TO-DATE' IT MAY BE. 

Another thing, we are in serious battle. Against satan and the flesh (Efe. 6:10; Roma 7:14-8:17; Gal. 5:16-25). Like Joshua against Israel's enemies in OT; we need to ,first of all KNOWS who is our enemy (his strenght & weaknesses) before engage with him in battle. On the other hand, be equip & know how to use our weapons (Efe. 6:11-18) . What is our weapon today? Are our weapon really God's weapon or are they just looks like weapon? With wise spies on the enemy's strength & weaknesses plus our own careful and wise preparation  Only then we can win the battle. Of course we must be bold & courageous!! BUT with the guide of Godly wisdom. NOT blindly & with emotion! We need younger generation of SIB - of the character of JOSHUA!!.

One last thing, very important indeed. The world is always a flux. Relativism is the jugde of the day. Knowing this the church (especially the leaders) must wise leads with Godly decision. Remember we are call to "go" into the world & the "light & salt" of the world. We are to influence the world. Sad to say "the world" is coming into the church.

So Lenny & Staring. Lets argue & give suggestion with strong Bible understanding. Love each other. Think before you press any letter on the keyboard of your computer. Pray for the leaders who will decide on the "setujukah anda". Know that they will hold responsible for their decision.

Older generation sometimes needed in this post-modern world to correct the younger generation; so don't put off their advice.

Older Generation.   




Dear Old Generation,

I'm glad that you give your piece of advice. We as a young generation should listen to an older generation who first know the Word of God.

First of all, I would like to say sorry to dear Lenny and whoever indirectly or directly was hurt at the first place and above all to God.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.




Hebat perdebatan anda sekalian cuma kalau saya boleh tanya apakah pendapat ini berapi-api di forum ini sahaja dan tidak kepada dunia nyata BOS, jadi jangan keluarkan pandangan pandangan yang holy, ada unsur alkitabiah (Rohani) kalau di dunia nyatapun belum menampakkan hasil tak ada yang di banggakan tetapi kalau anda semua sudah berfungsi sepenuhnya TAHNIAH..mari teruskan pekerjaan Tuhan




I want to know


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